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Kamera "Mirrorless" Bakal Makin Populer

Written By Brandon on Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | 10:59 AM

Dunia kamera digital mengalami kelesuan dalam beberapa tahun belakang, utamanya segmen non-profesional. Makin canggihnya fitur kamera dalam smartphone diduga sebagai penyebabnya.

Walau berbagai inovasi dan fitur ditanamkan dalam kamera digital, vendor belum bisa menarik minat besar konsumen.
Namun, sikap optimis ditunjukkan oleh Olympus, produsen kamera dari Jepang ini mengatakan bahwa kamera mirrorless akan menuai kepopuleran tahun depan. Olympus memprediksi penjualan kamera tanpa kotak cermin ini akan meningkat. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh CEO Olympus, Hiroyuki Sasa kepada Bloomberg.
Menurut Sasa, kamera mirrorless Olympus akan meningkat penjualannya hingga 1 juta unit pada April 2014 nanti. Market share-nya sendiri diprediksi mencapai lima persen di seluruh dunia. Jika Olympus mampu mencapai target tersebut, diperkirakan perusahaan akan menangguk untung hingga 68 juta dollar AS.

Digital camera world experienced a decline in a few years back, mainly non-professional segment. The more sophisticated the camera feature in smartphones suspected as the cause.

Although many innovations and features embedded in digital cameras, the vendor has not been able to attract the interest of consumers.

However, optimistic attitude shown by Olympus, the Japanese camera maker said of mirrorless cameras will reap popularity next year. Predict Olympus camera without a mirror box sales will increase. It was submitted by the CEO of Olympus, Hiroyuki Sasa told Bloomberg.

According to Sasa, Olympus mirrorless camera will increase its sales to 1 million units in April 2014. Its own market share is predicted to reach five percent worldwide. If Olympus is able to achieve these targets, the company is expected to reap a profit of up to 68 million U.S. dollars.

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