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» Intervensi Harga Jual iPhone, Apple Diancam Denda
Intervensi Harga Jual iPhone, Apple Diancam Denda
Written By Brandon on Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | 11:15 AM
Apple dituding telah melanggar undang-undang perdagangan di Taiwan karena mengintervensi operator telekomunikasi dalam menentukan harga jual iPhone di negara itu. Akibatnya, Apple terancam denda 20 juta dollar Taiwan atau sekitar Rp 8,1 milyar.
"Berdasarkan email korespondensi antara Apple dengan tiga operator telekomunikasi, kami menemukan bahwa operator harus men-submit rencana harga jual mereka kepada Apple untuk mendapatkan persetujuan atau konfirmasi sebelum dipasarkan," tulis Fair Trade Commission (FTC) Taiwan dalam pernyataan.
Tiga operator Taiwan yang dimaksud adalah Chunghwa Telecom, Far Eastone Telecommunication dan Taiwan Mobile. Selain harus melaporkan rencana harga jual terlebih dulu, Apple juga dilaporkan telah meminta operator untuk menyesuaikan harga jual iPhone.
Regulator menuduh Apple telah membatasi persaingan karena mencabut kebebasan hak operator dalam menentukan harga berdasarkan struktur biaya dan situasi pasar.
Apple has been accused of violating trade laws in Taiwan for telecom operators intervene in determining the selling price of the iPhone in the country. As a result, Apple threatened with a fine of 20 million Taiwan dollars, or approximately USD 8.1 billion.
"Based on Apple's e-mail correspondence between the three operators, we find that the operators have to submit their plans to the selling price of Apple for approval or confirmation before it is marketed," the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) to Taiwan in a statement.
Three Taiwanese operator Chunghwa Telecom question is, Far Eastone Telecommunications and Taiwan Mobile. Apart from having to report the first sale price, Apple is also reported to have asked the operator to adjust the selling price of the iPhone.
Regulators accuse Apple has limited competition due to revoke the right of the operator freedom to determine prices based on the cost structure and the market situation.
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