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FB Rilis Iklan Video Pekan Ini

Written By Brandon on Wednesday, January 1, 2014 | 11:20 AM

Iklan video FB akhirnya benar-benar dirilis. Facebook kali ini nampaknya tak main-main dengan rencananya. Seperti diberitakan The Wall Street Journal, iklan tersebut akan meluncur pada pekan ini dengan tarif Rp 24 miliar per hari.
Apa yang dilakukan Facebook nampaknya hendak mencoba peruntungan dari sektor belanja iklan televisi. Uang yang beredar di ranah iklan televisi Amerika Serikat mencapai USD 66,4 miliar pada tahun ini.
Iklan video Facebook pertama yang kemungkinan bakal tayang yakni sebuah teaser film Divergent garapan Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. Sedangkan durasi iklannya diyakini yakni 15 detik dengan sistem autoplay.

FB video ads finally actually released. Facebook this time seems not to mess with his plans. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, these ads will be rolled on this week with a rate of $ 24 billion per day.

What do Facebook seems to want to try their luck on the sector of television advertising spending. Money circulating in the realm of television commercials United States reached $ 66.4 billion this year.

Facebook video ad first aired the possibility of going to a movie teaser filmed Divergent Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.. While the duration of the ad is believed that 15 seconds with autoplay system.

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