Belakangan ini, para ahli robot di dunia tengah gencar menciptakan robot humanoid
alias robot dengan kemampuan mirip manusia. Mereka bisa melakukan
aktivitas masak memasak, bermain musik, membantu kegiatan rumah sakit,
dan lainnya.
Tren ini pun semakin lama berpotensi besar untuk menggusur peran
manusia. Bukan cuma di dunia industri seperti manufaktur otomotif yang
memanfaatkan fungsi robot, industri lainnya yaitu food & baverages
juga mulai 'disusupi' robot. Sebuah restoran bernama Hajime Robot
Restaurant adalah salah satu bidang usaha yang memanfaatkan robot
sebagai pengganti peran manusia.
Restoran Jepang yang berlokasi di Bangkok, Thailand ini melayani
pelanggannya dengan bantuan robot yang bisa menari. Robot tersebut
bergaya ala tentara samurai Jepang dan mengantarkan daging dan sayuran
kepada para pengunjung sambil melakukan tarian elektro ala robot.
Selain itu ada juga sebuah restoran di Harbin, China yang
mempekerjakan 20 robot untuk memasak, melayani, dan menghibur para
pelanggan. Robot-robot ini memiliki tinggi antara 1,2 sampai 1,5 meter
dan bisa menampilkan 10 ekspresi wajah yang berbeda. Hebatnya, mereka
dapat bekerja secara terus-menerus selama lima jam setelah baterainya
diisi selama dua jam.
recent years , experts in the world of robots being intensively
creating aliases robot humanoid robot with human-like capabilities . They could do a cooking activity , play music , help with hospital operations , and others .
This trend is even longer potential to displace the role of humans . Not just in the world of manufacturing industries such as automotive utilize the functionality of robots , other industries namely food & baverages also started ' infiltrated ' the robot . A restaurant named Hajime Robot Restaurant is one of the business sectors that utilize robots instead of human roles .
Japanese restaurant located in Bangkok , Thailand airport customers with the help of a robot that can dance . The robot style style Japanese samurai army and deliver the meat and vegetables to the visitors while doing the robot dance electro style .
There was also a restaurant in Harbin , China which employs 20 robots to cook , serve , and entertain the customers . These robots have a height between 1.2 to 1.5 meters and can display 10 different facial expressions . Remarkably , they can work continuously for five hours after the battery has charged for two hours .
This trend is even longer potential to displace the role of humans . Not just in the world of manufacturing industries such as automotive utilize the functionality of robots , other industries namely food & baverages also started ' infiltrated ' the robot . A restaurant named Hajime Robot Restaurant is one of the business sectors that utilize robots instead of human roles .
Japanese restaurant located in Bangkok , Thailand airport customers with the help of a robot that can dance . The robot style style Japanese samurai army and deliver the meat and vegetables to the visitors while doing the robot dance electro style .
There was also a restaurant in Harbin , China which employs 20 robots to cook , serve , and entertain the customers . These robots have a height between 1.2 to 1.5 meters and can display 10 different facial expressions . Remarkably , they can work continuously for five hours after the battery has charged for two hours .
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