Setelah meliuncurkan varian Color OS dan CyanogenMod, Oppo Smartphone meluncurkan N1 Pepsi Edition. Secara umum, tak ada perbedaan spesifik selain tampilan luar antara smartphone Oppo N1 Pepsi Edition dengan smartphone Oppo N1 versi standar.
Smartphone Oppo N1 Pepsi Edition ini datang dengan balutan warna boks
biru dan merah khas logo minuman bersoda Pepsi. Tak hanya itu, pouch atau case
Oppo N1 Pepsi Edition ini juga mengusung warna kombinasi biru merah
yang menyerupai logo Pepsi. Antarmuka Oppo N1 Pepsi Edition ini tak
ketinggalan menggunakan warna dominan biru.
After launching the OS and CyanogenMod Color variants, Oppo N1 Pepsi launches Smartphone Edition. In general, there is no difference other than the specific external appearance between smartphones Pepsi Edition Oppo N1 with N1 Oppo smartphone standard version.
Oppo Smartphone Edition Pepsi N1 comes with a color cast typical blue and red box logo Pepsi soft drinks. Not only that, pouch or case N1 Pepsi Edition Oppo was also carrying a blue color combination of red that resembles the Pepsi logo. Interface Edition Oppo N1 is not behind Pepsi using the dominant color of blue.
Oppo Smartphone Edition Pepsi N1 comes with a color cast typical blue and red box logo Pepsi soft drinks. Not only that, pouch or case N1 Pepsi Edition Oppo was also carrying a blue color combination of red that resembles the Pepsi logo. Interface Edition Oppo N1 is not behind Pepsi using the dominant color of blue.
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